The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

In this section, you can see an image of twelve Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Along with the pictures are a quick description about each of them so you can learn them visually, and easily. The description includes what type of god they are, what kind of appearance they have, their important role, some quick facts, and their siblings and parents.

Ra (God of Sun, king of gods)

Ra was the ancient Egyptian god of the sun. Ra was identified primarily by "the midday sun. Ra then merged with Horus, the god that was said to be the first national god. This god has the head of a falcon, and a sun disk called Wadjet resting on top of his head. His parent was Ocean Nun. His major symbol was his sun disk that he has on head. To the Egyptians, the sun that Ra has on his head represents light, warmth, and growth. According to the Egyptians, Ra traveled on two solar boats nicknamed the Mandjet the morning boat, and the evening boat, Mesektet. These two solar boats took Ra on a journey through the Sky, and the Underworld. His Greek similarity is either Zeus (who rules an element of the sky and the other gods) or Apollo (for resembling light).

Hathor  (Goddess of love and music)

Hathor was the sky-goddess of love, music, beauty, motherhood, and joy. Her "job" was to welcome the dead in their next life. She was said to help the mothers with their childbirth, similar to Artemis. She is also the patron goddess of miners. This god is usually referred as a cow goddess with head horns and a sun disk. Her parent is Ra and her sibling is Shu, and Tefnut. Her symbol is a sistrum, or an ancient musical instrument. Her Greek similarity is Aphrodite, for they both symbolize love and compassion.

Nut (Goddess of the sky)

Nut was the goddess of the sky. However, Nut was not renowned as the sky goddess. She was the nighttime goddess. After many avocations between the gods, she was simply referred to as the sky goddess. Nut was arched to protect the Earth under it. Nut was mostly depicted in human form though it was sometimes depicted in the form of a cow. It was said that the form of cow formed the sky and heaven. Nut was married to Geb, the Earth god. Her Greek similarity is Ra, for they both represent the sky (or an element of the sky)

Osiris (God of the Afterlife, the underworld, and dead)

Osiris is identified as the god of the Afterlife, the underworld and the dead. He was visually said as a green skinned man with a Pharaoh's beard, with legs partially wrapped like a mummy. His green beard represents rebirth. Osiris was sometimes said to be the oldest son of the Earth god, Geb, and the Sky god, Nut. Osiris's siblings were Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Osiris was then killed by his own brother, Set, due to the fact that he was envious of Osiris (because Osiris was the wise lord.) His Greek similarity is Hades, for they both represent the underworld and dead.

Set (God of the desert, storm and violence)

Set was the god of the desert, storm, and foreigners. Later in the myths, Set was also said to be the god of the Darkness and Chaos. Set's parents were Geb and Nut, and his siblings were Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys. Osiris (the god of Afterlife, the underworld, and the death) was a wise lord, and Set was jealous of his brother. So Set grabbed a blood- lusting dagger and killed his own brother, Osiris, dismembering him. Then Isis, the Queen of the goddesses reassembled Osiris's corpse and embalmed him. This was how Horus found out about the corpse of Osiris and naturally become Set's enemy. His Greek similarity is either Zeus (who is a god of storm/thunder), or Ares (who is a god of war and violence).

Horus (God of the king, the sky, and vengeance)

Horus was known to be one of the first ancient deities in Egyptian mythology, who was worshiped from late Predynastic period to Greco-Roman times. Horus was known to be the patron god of all kings, deities, and other gods after Ra. Although there are many theories about who his parents were, it was officially known that Osiris and Isis. Horus was often described as a falcon-headed man with a red and white crown along with a hooked staff. He carries a cross in his hand, and his symbol was the wedjat eye. Horus served many purposes to the Egyptian gods, but mainly as the god of the sky, war, and protection. His Greek similarity was Zeus, in which they both conquer the sky/element of sky and the other gods.

Isis (Queen of Goddesses)

Isis is the queen of goddesses, and renowned as the ideal mother and and wife along with nature and magic. She was believed to be the friend of slaves, sinners, and the "lame", being the hope and guide of the lesser. In contrast, she listened to the prayers of the wealthy and often gave much more in return. The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb and Nut. Her brother, Osiris, became her husband and later murdered by Set. However, she had magical powers that served as resurrection of Osiris, where he soon ruled all over the afterlife and dead, not being able to be with Isis for eternity. The ancient Egyptians believed that every year, the Nile River would flood by Isis's tears over her deceased husband. Many rituals were performed upon Isis, and the worship of this goddess stretched throughout the Greco-Roman times. Isis is known as one of the only gods to not have the head of an animal. Her Greek similarity is Hera, for they both were queens of the other gods. 

Thoth (God of wisdom, time, writing, and the moon)

Thoth was considered to be one of the most important deities of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. He was known as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon. Thoth was often considered to be the heart, full of honesty, candor, and kindness. He was also the mind, focus, and wisdom. It was believed that Thoth shared his intelligence throughout the human race, which was stored in the brain. His Greek similarity is either Athena (who represents wisdom), or Artemis (who represents the moon)

Anubis (God of embalming)

Anubis was the god of embalming.  He is a jackal-headed man responsible for the burial of dead corpses. In the pyramid text, Anubis was said to be the most important god of the dead.Then, the title was replaced by Osiris. Anubis was said to be the son of Ra, the god of the sun and the king of gods. It was said that Osiris and Nephthys were his parents. When Osiris was killed, it was embalmed, and given to Anubis as a gift. Anubis's symbol is a flail, a weapon used in Ancient Egypt.

Ma'at (Goddess of justice)

Ma'at was an ancient Egyptian deity of truth, justice, and morality. She is the determiner of justice and whether or not a certain person will pass over to the afterlife. She is the controller of nature and society. In Egyptian manuscript, Ma'at was responsible for the prevention of the universe returning to Chaos. Also, she dealt with the weighing down souls on a balance scale. She is the goddess of divine wisdom throughout the universe. Her symbol was an ostrich feather tied on her headband. 

Amun (God of creation)

Amun was the god of creation, being responsible for the making of nearly everything. He revealed the secrets and the whole world, which was previously hidden with Ra. Amun was self created, without and mother or father, due to the fact that he was known to be perfection; free of a clogged mind and no sins. He created everything; from whole civilizations to simple plantation. Along with his works in creating the world, he controlled the wind. From breezing winds to devastating tornadoes, Amun was there. His symbol was a ram-headed Sphinx. His Greek similarity is Hephaestus, for they both create items/substances.

Bast (Protector of Felines)

Bast was the protector of felines (or cats), who were believed to be sacred animals, carrying the powers of Bast. In the past Egyptian manuscripts, Bast turned many people into cats as curse for their horrible acts. However, as the myth progresses, Bast sacrifices her life to grant all cats nine lives. Bast was soon reborn, this time to have the head of a cat and the title of "Protector of all felines". Her symbols are a cat, a lioness, and the sistrum.