
The Titans were considered to be the very first race ever to touch the surface of the world. They possessed powerful abilities to rule the universe, much earlier than the Olympian gods. They were descendants of Gaia and Uranus, that ruled the Golden Age. However, they were overthrown by the Olympians gods in the Titan War. There were many Titans (more than Olympians gods). Here is a list of Titans:

1. Oceanus (Ruler of the ocean and sea)

2. Hyperion (Ruler of the sky)

3. Coeus (Ruler of the earth)

4. Cronus (Ruler of time)

5. Crius (Ruler of the stars and winds)

6.  Mnemosyne (Ruler of memory)

7. Tethys (Ruler of rivers)

8. Theia (Ruler of divine and brightness)

9. Rhea (Mother of gods)

10. Atlas (Ruler of heavens)